Channel: Healthy Crazy Cool
Category: Entertainment
Tags: what i eat in a weeknutrition factsplant basedvegan ketowhat i eat in a daydr gregermorning routinevegan meal preppre & post workoutmeals i eat every weekiifymskin healthwhat i ate todayhealthy crazy coolweight lossplant based cookingraw vegan mealsrecipes for weight losshigh protein vegan mealsfull day of eatingintermittent fastingwhat a model eatsmiles kasiriliving alone diarieshealth benefitseasy vegan meals
Description: The Healthy Crazy Cool Cookbook: OPEN FOR EVERYTHING MENTIONED: come say hi on instagram: Liquid Gold Tahini (I hope you all enjoy as much as I do): * USA & Canada shipping currently turned off - we are setting up a USA warehouse so it's cheaper shipping for you all (but still available to order to Europe & other places) x What supplements do I take as a vegan? - B12 - D3 + K2 formula - Omega 3/ algae DHA (all linked below) - I also add "Iodized" salt to most of my meals! Vivolife Protein link & discount code (the one I use) Link: Use: MILES10 for 10% discount on anything I used the cheaper vanilla ritual protein in this video :) * Vegan Omega 3, B12 & vit D (with K2) supplement now available Simple Vegan Chili: - 1 can chickpeas - 1 can red kidney beans - 1 can black beans - 1 can (or 1 cup) sweet corn kernals - 1 large white onion - 1 can chopped tomatoes - 1 head broccoli florets - 2 tsp garlic powder - 2 tsp ground cumin - 2 tsp cinnamon - 2 tsp sweet smoked paprika - garlic infused olive oil - salt & pepper - make as shown & serve with big steamy white potatoes, avocado & fresh dill :) How I eat as vegan athlete: My 4 Fave Vegan Meals: Love & tahini to everyone 💚